An explosion of
information in medicine has occurred in the last few decades,
particularly in medical therapeutics. Tremendous advances are
evident in the areas of basic and clinical pharmacologic concepts,
drug formulations, and therapies. Given this large amount of
information, the authors of Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic
Approach have written the text for an audience that includes
pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists.
The main emphasis in this book is on drug therapy. Opening chapters
provide useful overviews on the principles of drug therapy. These
sections are generally well written. The rest of the text is
arranged according to organ systems within t he human body. The
authors have highlighted drug-induced disease; the sections devoted
to this topic are particularly informative. In addition, the
therapies of common diseases are discussed with particular attention
to critical review of current literature. I found this approach
refreshing and a high point of the book. Unfortunately, many of the
therapeutic discussions were approached from a third-party
perspective and will not provide adequate guidance to the nonspecialized medical practitioner.
Many drugs and some diseases are discussed in several different
sections of the book, thus creating a discontinuity that may cause
misunderstandings. For example, in the section on cardiomyopathies,
it is suggested that cardioselective -blockers be reserved for those
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. No reference is made to
previous chapters in which adverse pulmonary effects of -blockers
are discussed; nor is it suggested to consider alternative therapy
in this setting.
This is not a general medical text but rather one intended for those
in the pharmacy profession. This opinion is based on the simplified
presentation of normal physiology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic
approaches used in the presentation of information. It is not a
pharmacology text because no sections are devoted to many basic
pharmacology topics. In addition, there is not enough detail on most
drugs to warrant its use as a drug reference textbook. Despite its
flaws, however, I believe this is the best comprehensive pharmacy
text available. It is a good source to obtain up-to-date critical
reviews and references to common therapeutic issues and drug-induced
disease. I hope that future editions will be revised to provide more
authoritative guidance in the selection of therapy in controversial